Intrigued. That was what I felt when I was invited to a private “Wine of the Sea” tasting at the very cool Proprietor’s Reserve event space. All I knew before the tasting – from the information provided below that I will abbreviate here – is that the wines were aged for one to two years 100 feet deep in the Adriatic and they have only been recently approved for sale. I took a peek at the website before the event and the bottles are as pretty as promised – with bits of colorful coral attached to each and blue wax seals. We were to taste up to 20 wines (list is also below) and make our own conclusions…
…My all-time favorite of the event, that I went back to the table to “re-visit” was the 2018 Amarone Della Valpolicella. Didn’t require any food for pairing. All dried grapes, Corvina, Rondinella, and Molinara, made for one very approachable and tasty wine.
And just in case you are wondering: No salt, salinity, or sea air did I detect in any of the wines…
-Eve Bushman, Evewine101